

During this time period, the Church celebrates the season of Epiphany. The word epiphany means to reveal or gain insight. The gospel writer, Matthew, recorded the visit of the Wisemen to the Christ Child. The early church recognized the significance of their visit. The gift of Christ was not only for a few people of the lower classes of just one nationality, but their visit was evidence that God’s love and acceptance extended to all people. This included all nationalities, all economic groups, and all classes of people. Christ was the vehicle for the salvation of the entire world. He is the “light” that shines in the darkness as John writes in John 1:5 thus revealing God’s plan of salvation for all. The prophet Isaiah wrote, “And gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” Isaiah 60:3. I Timothy 2:4 states that God “wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth”. So the church has celebrated Epiphany throughout the centuries to emphasize the inclusiveness of God’s love through the death and resurrection of Jesus and that message is for us also.

Y4Life Baby Donations

Y4LIFE is the Youth arm of the Lutherans for Life. It seeks to equip high-school- and college-aged youth to be Gospel-motivated voices 4 Life, publicly and privately pronouncing with joy “You are made 4 LIFE!” as well as answering the question: Why should I be 4 Life? Through service, education, worship, and celebration, youth are encouraged to engage in life-affirming activities and become Leaders 4 Life in their schools, communities, nation, and world!

In support of the Y4 Life students at Concordia University at Chicago, our church is invited to participate in their Service Project. We are collecting baby supplies to make 60 gift bags for expectant moms, which will be distributed by “Breakfast with Baby,” a ministry of our Northern Illinois District sister church, Our Savior Lutheran in Carol Stream.

Specific items are requested and will be collected through February 16th. Please place all items in our "CARING CORNER," located in the sanctuary under the south balcony. Thank you all so much for your generous support of our Synod, our CUC students, our NID Sister-Church, and all of these precious lives.

Items requested: Diapers-all sizes, Wipes-unscented, pacifiers, sleepers (size 0-3 mo.), booties or socks, mitts for hands, baby towels/washcloths, baby wash or shampoo, teether toys, diaper rash cream, burp cloths, swaddle blankets.

Build-A-Bag Event

Concordia University Chicago is in close proximity to St. John, as a result we often see 15-20 students on given Sunday. Because CUC finals week is December 9-13, we thought it would be nice to provide some Survival Bags for OUR students, plus friends.

On Sunday, December 8th an assortment of goodies were set out in the Open Arms Room after church and the students filled their bags with whatever would help get them through this week of intense studying and exams.

Some of the snacks provided were: snack, granola, and protein bars, nuts, candy, bottled water, juice, energy drinks, hot chocolate packages, bagged chips, snacks, cheese/crackers., apples, and tangerines just to name a few.

SewWhat! makes quilts that become donations to those in need. 

Through Lutheran World Relief ( the large (60”x80”) quilts are distributed in areas of need around the world. The quilts may be used as bedding, shelter, flooring, and for carrying possessions in bundles.


Members of SewWhat! assemble the quilt tops, then add a layer of polyester batting and a backing fabric. These three layers are then tied together (easy - down, up, down, up, cut the thread and tie a knot). The final step is finishing the edges with a binding. Sewing skills are not needed to help us finish off these quilt tops. If you can tie a knot you can help us. We also make smaller quilts which are given to Phil’s Friends, an organization that serves people who are fighting cancer. Phil’s Friends include these lap quilts in the care packages they send to those undergoing cancer treatments. 


SewWhat! meets year-round on Tuesday mornings from 9:00 - 11:00, with a chocolate break at 10:00. While we work, we socialize and enjoy each other’s company. 

Dartball League

Dartball meets select Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in Room 102 from September to April.   Confirmed male members of St. John and fellow Lutheran LCMS congregations are welcome to join.

St. John was one of the founding churches that formed the league in the 1930's. 

For more information contact Pete Schoedel at:

What is Dartball?

Dartball is a game of darts that is scored like baseball. It bears no resemblance to "pub darts" whatsoever. The darts are thrown underhand at a board that is 20 feet away.

darts are about six inches long, wooden with a steel tip and three or four feathers. The Lutheran Dart League uses Apex #2 darts made by Apex Manufacturing.

dartboard is four-foot square, elevated so the bottom edge of the board is 2 feet above the ground. The board is laid out like a baseball diamond, with first, second and third bases, as well as a Home Run where Home Plate would be. There are strikes, balls, fouls, outs and double-plays on the board as well.

As stated above, dartball is scored like baseball. A game consists of 9 innings, with each team batting in an inning until they make three outs. The visiting team always bats first. A dart that lands in the First Base is scored as a single; a dart landing in the Second Base is a double; a dart landing in the Third Base is a triple; and a dart landing in the Home Run is scored as a Home Run.

A batter whose dart lands in the First Base is said to "be on first." The next batters then try to hit the Third Base. If they succeed, they are awarded a triple, which "forces" the runner on first around the bases to score a run.

Like baseball, the idea is to score more runs than your opponent in nine innings.

For more extensive information about the Lutheran Dartball League go to the following website from Concordia Lutheran Church, Berwyn, IL.

Food Pantry

St. John participates in a food collection every third Sunday of the month to help support the Food Pantry
located at the Howard Mohr Community Center in Forest Park, Illinois

Community Garden

The St. John Community Garden first opened in Spring of 2011. This garden area was a gift from St. John Lutheran Church to the neighborhood.

The garden is located at 7422 Washington Street, Forest Park, Illinois. The season runs April 1 - November 1. If you are interested in applying for a plot, you may contact the church office at 708-366-3226.

Mission Opportunities Short Term 

We received a Thank You letter from the Mission Opportunities Short Term (MOST) organization thanking St. John members for the box of eye glasses which we recently donated. This year with the help of donations from various churches, including our congregation, MOST was able to send 16 eye glass teams to 10 different countries to bring clear vision to these people as well as the gospel of Jesus. 
Currently, in many countries of the world eye glasses are still needed as well as non-prescription sunglasses. As part of our mission outreach here at St. John, we have an opportunity to help MOST. If you have any type of eye glasses or sunglasses that you are no longer using please consider donating them to this cause. Just bring them to church and place them in the box in the narthex which is across from the church mailboxes. If you have an interest in helping with this action team Call the church office 708-366-3226. 

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